Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Good grief, Bad grief

I read a woman's blog that was in my same position. She told me that her blog was extremely theraputic. It gave her a chance to vent her anger, pour out her tears, and to recieve comfort from her readers. It also allowed her loved ones to see a glimpse into her soul. To somewhat understand what she had been going through. When you lose a child and you are the mother, you take it the hardest which in turn provides a very lonely world that you must face daily. I have kept a journal for all my kids as they have been growing. I have written funny things they have done and milestones that they have crossed. One day I will give it to them. London however, will have an empty book. So I decided to keep a journal for her in a way to help myself through this grieving process. I have been writing in it since she was born. I was reluctant to blog this and show my weaknesses to the world. So I am sorry if this hurts any of you, or makes you think less of me. I am doing this for myself. I hope, it for me, will also be "theraputic." I also hope this will help you mama's out there who have had a baby loss. If you stumble across this, let me know what your blog is and maybe yours will be helpful for me in return.

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