Friday, May 2, 2008

May 6, 2007

I went to the hospital hoping to get answers. I went and instead of answers they informed they were sending you to Primary Children's Hospital. This was total devastation for me. Now you would be an hour away instead of 10 minutes, plus they were taking you away from me AGAIN. I was playing the waiting game and I was not happy about it. It was so hard to sit and wait for days just to find out if your child would live or die.
Since you would be moved to Salt Lake the next day we called everyone to come visit while you were close. So, pretty much the whole family came to meet you. Jared, my brother, said... "Paige, she is one of the prettiest babies I have ever seen." This meant a lot coming from him because he doesn't say it often. You were the most beautiful baby I have EVER seen. That also made it so hard to let go of you. I wanted to just sit and stare at you for days. I had a hard time leaving you that night. I stayed a long time, reading you the Ensign and having scripture study together. We also listened to MoTab and pretty music for hours too. I never wanted to leave your side. There was my mom doing the same. She didn't want me to be alone either. Motherhood is only something you can understand once you are one.

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