Friday, May 2, 2008

May 9, 2007

Now we were getting to a point of making some decisions. We were still waiting for tests to try and figure out which metabolic disorder she had. Kind of hard to do when there are about 500 kinds. Stenson and his dad had started on making a casket for her. This upset me. I didn't like thinking that way. I just wanted to be positive and stick to my faith the Heavenly Father could make her okay. Deep down I knew she wasn't going to be okay, but it hurt so deep that I had to keep praying and hoping for a miracle. I had no doubt that Heavenly Father could do it. I just prayed that it would be His will to let her live.
My mom and I spent some time alone with her. Stenson was spending most of his time making the casket. This was how he needed to deal with it. I on the other hand wanted to be with her every second I could. My mom got to hold her and it is a memory I will always remember. She sang to her a song that she sings with all her grandkids. I am so grateful for the days I had with London so we could get a chance to do things with her that we never would get to do later.

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